This Ultimate Guide for Softball Field Dimensions gives you softball field dimensions and guides you on how to set up your field. You need to know the dimensions of a softball field in order to play by the rules.  You need to measure it out in accordance with the NFHS guidelines.  What sets the game of softball apart from baseball are three things:

-pitching is underhand

-it uses a larger ball

the field is smaller

This will give you a better visual as we go over the field dimensions.

Lets start with a list of the main dimensions:

  1. Softball Base lines are 60′
  2. Distance from backstop to the back tip of home plate is 25′
  3. Distance from the back tip of home plate to the center of second base is 84′ 10 1/4″- which is also the same distance between first base and third base as this makes a perfect square
  4. Distance from the back tip of home plate to the right corner of first base is 60′
  5. Distance from the center of 2nd Base to the back left corner of third base is 60′
  6. Distance from the back right corner of first base to the middle of second base is 60′
  7. Distance from the center of second base to the back left corner of third base is 60′
  8. Distance from the back tip of the home plate to the front of the pitching rubber is 46′
  9. Recommended distance from home plate to out field for female or male fast pitch softball is 185′ – 235′,  female slow pitch 250′-275′, male slow pitch 275′- 300′.

Now lets make some sense of how to measure out your field:

Placing Home Plate:

In this description we will call the back tip of home plate the apex, to make it easier to read.  If you have a back stop we will need to do some measuring.  If you do not just place home plate in an approximate spot.

First: -If you have a backstop: start from one outside corner of the backstop and run a string out to a couple of feet past where you think the pitching rubber will be. Use field paint or chalk to make an an arc. Repeat this process starting from the second post, making sure the second string  is the same length as the first.  Your arcs should intersect.

Second:– Use a measuring tape to locate the center of the backstop. Extend a straight line from the center out to where the arcs intersect. Position the apex of home plate on this line and 25′ from the backstop.  Having this room gives the catcher and officials room to do their job.

Finding Second Base:

Run a string from the center point on the backstop, through the apex and over pitcher’s mound to place second base on center. The distance to measure is from the apex of home plate to the center of second base the distance to measure is  84′ 10 1/4″.

Finding First Base:

Now that Second base and Home plate are in, you will use them to find first and third base.  Use a string from the apex of home plate and measure 60′ to where first base should be, make an arc with chalk.  Then measure 60′ from the center of second base to where first should be and create another arc.  Where the 2 arcs intersect is where you will place the back right corner of first base.

Finding Third Base:

Use a string from the apex of home plate and measure 60′ to where third base should be, make an arc with chalk.  Then measure 60′ from the center of second base to where third should be and create another arc.  Where the 2 arcs intersect is where you will place the back left corner of third base.

Placing the Pitching Rubber:

Following the straight line from the apex to the center of second base, measure a 46′ line from the apex to the spot where the front of the pitching rubber will be. Easily square up the pitching rubber by measuring an equal distance from the front corners of home plate to the corresponding corners on the pitching rubber.

Softball field dimensions are pretty straight forward.  The diagram above also provides details for foul pole and batters boxes.  When setting up your field it is best to use the right equipment.  You can check out the fencing, field covers, measuring, and field maintenance equipment at  Best Team Prices On Softball Equipment.

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